17 Lead Magnets That Your Visitors Will Love

17 Lead Magnets Your Audience Will Love

One of the big keys to growing your list is to offer an enticing lead magnet. If you don’t offer something that’s both valuable and in-demand, no one is going to even bother joining your list.

Lead Magnet

The first thing that usually comes to mind when it comes to a lead magnet is an ebook - a pdf download.  And while that is a good lead magnet, there are several other things that you can offer that will draw subscribers. People are so used to seeing reports and ebooks as lead magnets, that offering anything else is often a very welcome change.

Here are a total of 17 lead magnets that you can offer to your visitors. 

1. Discount Coupon

One of the benefits of offering a deep discount as a lead magnet is that you’re attracting buyers. You are more likely to get subscribers who are interesting in buying from you, because the only way they get a benefit is if they subscribe to get the discount. (Of course even if they don't buy, they will get to read your valuable newsletter!).

For a limited time, subscribe to my list and get 50 percent off my Affiliate Marketing Course.

2. eBooks/Reports

One of the keys to offering an eBook or report is to avoid calling it an “eBook.” That’s a word that tends to have a low-value connotation. Instead, refer to it as a guide, white paper, special report, blueprint, system, or similar.

Example: Subscribe to get your copy of 10 Ways To Speed Up Your Website absolutely free!

3. Videos

Video Camera

Videos tend to have a higher perceived value than regular text content. This is particularly true when you make full use of the video format, such as by demonstrating how to do something (versus a slide-show video or plain talking head video).

For example, you might give dog owners a video that shows them exactly how to teach a dog to sit.

4. Audios

Audios tend to have a higher perceived value than text. And again, this is particularly true if you offer a lead magnet where having an audio is particularly beneficial. For example, you might use an audio to teach people a foreign language, or to provide a guided meditation.

An advantage to audio is that they can download it and listen to it anywhere - in the car, while taking a walk, on lunch break. This convenience makes audio a good lead magnet.

5. Membership Sites

You can offer access to a “vault” site, an ongoing monthly membership site, or a fixed-term site. It’s best to offer either a fixed-term membership or ongoing membership, because this gives you an opportunity to deliver ongoing content via email. In turn, this lets you build relationships and promote products.

Another big advantage of a membership site is that in addition to the content that you are providing, you can include links to affiliate products and/or products that you are selling. A great way to provide value and make sales.

6. Webinars

This lead magnet isn't for everybody. But if this is something that you're comfortable with, it a good choice. The advantage of a webinar is that you not only have a high-value live event, but you can then offer the replays.

Free webinar reveals the cost-effective way to build your email list - FAST!

Conducting A Webinar

7. Courses

The idea here is to offer a multipart course by email, which helps train your prospects to open their emails (and lets you showcase your really good content).

E.G., “The Five-Step System for Crafting Cash-Pulling Sales Letters” (where each step is one “lesson” in this course).

8. Access to a Group

Here you offer access to a forum or Facebook group, which might include peer support and/or group coaching.

For example, you might offer dieters access to a private Facebook group where you do weekly challenges, offer group-coaching, and let members encourage and support one another.

9. Apps/Plugins/Software

Online Course Access

Here you offer some sort of software to help people accomplish a task faster and easier. One benefit is that the more useful your app is, the more people will use it. In turn, they’ll see your links and calls to action often.

A web search for software and plugins with private label rights will give you an idea of what's available so you can find what would appeal to your new subscribers.

10. Worksheets

Here you can help people get clearer about problem or help them decide what steps to take.

For example, “The Home Buyer’s Worksheet: How Much House Can You REALLY Afford?”


Templates can take many forms. You could offer email templates that would make it easier to write email messages. Web page templates, such as sales pages, opt-in pages, and download pages are popular. Again, you can find examples and templates that you can buy and give to your new subscribers. 

E.G., “The Ultimate Sales Letter Template.”

12. Swipes

Here’s where you provide a list of ideas or other items for inspiration. For example, you might offer a collection of sales letter headlines, email subject lines, ppc ad examples, and more.

13. Checklists

Checklists are useful because they provide a series of steps to take to get a desired result. To add more value, add some additional training along with each step to assist your reader in understanding how to get the most out of this document.

E.G., “The Career-Builder’s Checklist for Landing the Perfect Job.”

14. Cheat Sheets

This is a one-page summary that includes as many steps, tips and ideas as possible about a narrow topic.

Similar to a checklist, it includes a lot of steps and graphics, designed to be printed out or opened on the desktop for easy access. 

15. Planners

These are popular for people who like to plan things out in advance. Provide some guidance and leave room for them to fill in their info, and you'll have a great lead magnet.

E.G., “The 30-Day Guide to Starting Your Own Home-Based Business.”

16. Mind Maps

A mind map is a visual way of presenting information, which some people find to be more useful than a typical list of steps. This works best for multistep or complex processes.

It's a good idea to let your new subscribers know about the free mind map software that is available so they can use the mind map. And make sure that they can open the map in the free software.

E.G., “The Home Seller’s Mind Map.”

17. Resource List

A resource list is one of my favorites. Here you get the opportunity to point your subscribers to software, tools, and services that will save them money and time. You can share your experience and tell them why you think these are good choices.

Link out to each resource so they can check it out for themselves. If you are an affiliate for some of these resources, it's a good way to earn some money as well. 


As you can see, there are many different types of lead magnets you can use to build your list. As always, do your research to find out what your audience wants, and then create a high-quality product that’s irresistible to your target market.

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