10 Ways To Promote Your Information Product

10 Tips To Sell Your

 Information Product

Once you've created an awesome information product, course, or training program, you have to let people know that it's available. You have to get them to your sales page or landing page so you can tell them all about it, so they can become customers and you can get paid.

This means getting traffic to your offer, so you can start making sales.

In article, I will cover 10 ways you can use to get traffic to your offers…

  • Blog Posts
  • Niche Forums
  • Social Media
  • YouTube
  • Influencer Traffic
  • Paid Ads
  • Affiliates/Referrals
  • Public Speaking
  • Podcasts
  • Email Marketing

Let’s take a closer look at each of these.

1. Your Own Blog or Website

This works well if you have a steady stream of traffic coming to your site. You can monitor which pages are getting the most traffic, and then put an ad or link to the product or service that you are promoting.

You can use your new blog posts to write content that leads to your information product sales page. Write about a problem that your market has, and how your solution is a way to make it go away. Write several posts and link to your sales page. This will give you multiple opportunities to get traffic.

2. Niche Forums

There are forums for just about every niche. Type in your information product niche and add the word "forum" after to come up with related sites. What you can do is register for the forum, and then start answering questions and add value to the site.

You may also find that the forum allows for paid advertising. This can be a good way to get some quick traffic.

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Check the forum rules to see if you are allowed to include a link back to your site when you post a comment. This is a good way to get traffic by offering a free download when they click on your link. More traffic for you.

3. Social Media

There are opportunities to promote your information product using social media sites. Some groups allow this, but remember to abide by the rules before you get carried away. You don’t want to get banned or get a reputation as someone who is only looking out for themselves.

On your own social media accounts, you have more options when it comes to letting people know about your product.

4. YouTube Videos

If you’re comfortable with video, youtube is the top site for getting attention and traffic. Just like search traffic, there is no guarantee that having a video on their platform is going to get you a lot of traffic.

Video gives you the opportunity to demonstrate all of the features and benefits of your information product, and show them the link to the sales page.

Video is popular, and since you can post the video for free, it is a good way to get traffic to your offers. Even if you aren’t good at video, you can easily outsource the video creation and use Youtube.

5. Internet Influencers

Online influencers are celebrities or people with a large following. They get a lot of traffic to their sites, and this makes them attractive to advertisers. These influencers work with brands and companies to promote their products or causes.

This isn’t a free service, unless you get lucky and find someone willing to do it without compensation. A recommendation from an influencer usually carries more credibility, so it could be worth it if you can find a deal that works for your budget.

6. Paid Ads

Paid ads are an almost immediate way to get traffic to your information product. You have to pay for the traffic, and you have to monitor ad costs. If you don’t you could easily end up paying more for the ads than you earn in product sales.

Google and Microsoft both offer PPC ads. You can also advertise on social media sites. There are some blogs that offer ad spots on their site, and also forums that offer advertising.

While free traffic is preferred, it can take a long time, and in some cases it doesn’t come at all. With paid ads, you can get visitors to your offers right away. This gives you the chance to optimize your sales process quicker.

7. Sign Up Affiliates

Set up and offer an affiliate program. There are sites you can use that make it easy to do, such as jvzoo.com, warriorplus.com, and clickbank.com.

Like paid ads, it costs you in the form of the commission you pay. Unlike paid ads, you don’t pay an affiliate until you get a sale. The affiliates are the ones doing the promotion for you, getting the word out. This can get you a lot more sales than you could get on your own.

8. Public Speaking

If you’re in a niche where you are called on to speak at events, this is another excellent way to get the word out about your promotion.

Online, the obvious way to do this is via webinar presentations. You can either be a guest on a webinar and promote your offer, or you could set it up and invite people to your presentation. The advantage of a webinar is that you can record it and offer the replay as part of your sales process.

9. Podcasts

You can easily create a podcast and get it online. That isn’t the hard part. What’s difficult is getting listeners to even know that you have a podcast.

A better way is to be a guest on an established podcast. This can be a challenge when you first get started because no one will know who you are. And the podcast may not have an interest in an unknown marketer.

The only thing to do is to make a list of podcasts related to your niche, and to contact them. You may get a lot of rejections, but at some point, you’ll get a slot. After that, you have credibility for the next podcasts you contact.

A final way to use podcasts is to be a sponsor on someone’s podcast. You will most likely have to pay to be an advertising sponsor but it’s great exposure to many new potential students.

10. Your Subscriber List

If you have a list of subscribers, you have a golden resource. You can tell them about your new information product, include a link, and you’ll get some traffic. What I like to do is to send a series of emails just before and as I am launching a new information product.

I include a link to the sales page in each email. Another thing I like to do is to offer a subscriber only discount, for a limited time. I do this for two reasons.

First is that I always want to treat my subscribers to special deals. They are the ones who read my messages and buy my stuff.

Second is that by giving them early access and a discount, I then ask for feedback. I want to know what they liked, what they didn’t like, and what if anything was missing or could be improved. That’s valuable information that really helps.

That is my list of ten ways to get traffic to your offer. I recommend that you do as many as you can comfortably do. You never know which will bring you results.

Good luck on your next promotion!

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