The Many Profitable Ways To Use PLR Content

PLR Profit Tips

There are some very effective ways to use PLR content. You can get creative and transform PLR into many different forms of content. It's not really that difficult, and many of them will be familiar to you. 

Before I get into some of the ideas on how to transform and improve plr content, let's start with getting the PLR in the first  place, and tips on how to make the best purchase.

Search For Niche Related PLR Content

This is something that is obvious, but sometimes you come across PLR content that is a really good deal, and the sales page is so impressive, and the offer seems so good, that you end up getting it for "later".

If you're like me, "later" ends up never, and I end up with a hard drive full of PLR content that I am probably never going to use.

Keep yourself on track by making sure that you only buy PLR in the niche that you are in, and that you are going to actually use. 

Know How You’ll Use It

This is very important, because it will determine what format you will be looking for. If you are going to create a PDF report, don't bother with video. If you need email templates, don't buy a report.
You want PLR content in a form that is easy for you to transform and/or improve, in a format that saves time, which ends up saving time.

Ensure the Content is High Quality 

Before you start gathering a ton of PLR, there is something that you need to know. There is a lot of low quality PLR content out there. Some of it is hard to read, or it doesn't make sense, or it is outdated. 
You will find that most PLR content does not offer a money back gaurantee. Once you buy it, you own it. So how do you find high quality PLR? Here are some tips...

Look For Related Forums And Social Media Sites

Look for forums and social sites that are related to PLR content, along with these types of sites in your niche.

Ask For Advice 

Once you find these niche forums and social sites, register and ask the members for advice. You can get a lot of good information on where to go to get good quality PLR content.

Ask A Fellow Marketer

If you have other people that you talk business with, this is a great resource to find out if they have any advice. Even if they don't, they may know someone who does. 
Once you get the advice on which sites are worth your time, the next task is to go to each site and see if they have PLR content in your niche. 
Once  you have the sources you need, and you end up with the PLR content that you need for your business, it's time to put it to good use. Here you go...

Rework The PLR Content

The reason to rework the content is that there are potentially a lot of other marketers who have the same content and have the same idea as you do, which is to sell it for a profit.

You will have a hard time making any sales if your content is the same as a lot of other marketers. Even worse, you could end up in a price war, where the only way to make a sale is to lower your price.

Once you lower your price, your competitors will lower theirs, and over time, you will be have to set the price really low just to make sales. Transforming PLR content will make it unique to you, and you won't have anyone selling what you're offering.

Here are some easy things you can do to make your PLR content into a profitable and unique information product.

Change Titles

The first title to change is the title of your product. Don't use the title that came with the report. It's also a good idea to change the chapter titles as well, if your PLR has chapters.

Rewrite It Your Way 

Read through the content to get a feel for how the content is presented. Then go back and rewrite areas that are incomplete or that use words and phrases that don't fit the way you talk. Add some of your personality to the content to make it even more unique.

Add Keywords

Keywords won't matter if you're creating a product that you are going to sell. They do matter if you are going to use the PLR content for blog posts and articles. You'll get more traffic if you select related keywords, and then rewrite the content so that you can add the keywords so that they flow in your content.

Change The Graphics

Most of the PLR content that you purchase will also have graphics. A PDF report will usually have a cover image, and may have images inside the report. Replacing the graphics with your own design is a powerful way to make your product unique. If you don't want to do it, check on and hire someone to do it for you.

You don't have to change everything. The whole point of buying PLR content in the first place is to make it faster and easier to create your own catalog of products that you can profit from. 

Ways To Profit With PLR Content

Create A Lead Magnet

PLR content is a quick and easy way to create a lead magnet, or incentive that you can give away to build your list. The advantage is that you don't have to change the content very much. 
Most lead magnets are only a few pages long, so it won't take a lot of time to alter it. All you really need to do is to include links to your site and your affiliate offers, and you're good to go.

Webinar Content

You can use PLR content to put together a webinar. It's really not too hard. If you are using slides for your presentation, you can copy and paste the content into your presentation. 
You can use Google slides or PowerPoint to create the presentation.

Free Membership Site

If you have a lot of related PLR content pieces that you can assemble into a course format, you could add them to a free membership site. This is a really nice incentive to get new subscribers.
And your free membership site gives you the opportunity to point the members to your paid courses and products.

Free Email Course

You can use a report as a free email course. All you have to do is to copy and paste each section into an email and load it into your autoresponder.

Change The Format

What I mean by this is changing it into something different. You're already familiar with this. For example, there are products that deliver the training in video format, and they include the transcripts, and the audio files. They get these from the videos.
If you get your hands on PLR content in video form, you may not want to sell them as is. You could redo the audio in your own voice. But you could also transcribe the videos and create a PDF report and sell that. A new format and completely different product.

Combine PLR Content

This is something that I am working on right now. The idea here is that you purchase several reports on the same topic. Then you go through the content a pull out the best parts. 
Paste them into a new document. Once you get all the content into your new document, arrange it so it makes sense. Rewrite where necessary. What you end up with is a bigger info product that you can sell for a higher price.
And you get the added advantage that because it is made up of more than one source, it is easier to make it unique to you and your business.

These are just a few ideas to get you started with PLR content. The better you get at transforming PLR and using it in a lot of different ways, the more you'll profit from it. And you'll set yourself apart from the other marketers who aren't taking the time to get the most out of the PLR content that they buy. Less competition and more sales.

Discover how, in just 31 days, you can learn how to transform PLR to create your own in-demand, profitable info products, courses, and membership sites. How is that even possible? Let Me Show You…

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