Crafting Your Sales Letter

Your Awesome Sales Letter

Once you have a good product that you want to offer the world, you have to have an awesome sales letter. The greatest product or service in the world won’t do you any good if no one knows about it.

The purpose of your sales letter is to lay out all of the benefits and reasons that what you’re offering is just what your visitor is looking for. Each sales letter is going to be unique, but there are some proven guidelines that you can use to get a head start on a great advertising piece.

In the following example, I’m using a product that come with PLR rights. You can use it as a guide for your sales letter.

When you’re getting ready to create your sales letter, think about who your prospects are. In this example…

You’re looking for people who want a product that they can have the rights to edit and sell as their own. They are internet marketers, so you can approach them with the reasons why this would be a good fit for their business.

By knowing the type of prospect who would be interested in your product, you can tailor your sales letter so that it includes the information that they can use to make a buying decision.

Once you’re done with that, you can get started with crafting your sales letter.

Here are the main elements for a good sales letter:


This is the first thing that your visitors will see. You want to make a bold promise or ask a question. Something that will get their attention and entice them to keep reading.


This is where you fulfill the promise or idea of your headline. Make sure that what you write here flows from the headline and expands on what the headline said. You want to build interest and keep them reading.


This is a good place for a bulleted list of what they get when they purchase. Write as many bullets as you can come up with. You can always edit them later if you need to.


If you have customer testimonials, make sure to include them. If this is a new product with no feedback, you can skip this for now. Once you get some sales, include it then.


Let them know that you stand behind what you’re selling. Let them know how long you are offering a money back guarantee, and if there are restrictions, let them know that. In the case of PLR, it is common to NOT offer a guarantee. Use your best judgement here. Just know that a guarantee often will result in more sales.

License terms

In the case of PLR content, you will need to let your buyers know what they can do with what they purchase. Include it in a document that they can download along with the PLR content.

Call to action

Here is where you let them know what to do and how to order. You can also let them know what to expect after they hit the “Order” button. Make it clear and test it before it goes live so you can give your buyer a seamless experience.


This is where you reiterate a main benefit and/or repeat the call to action and/or mention a benefit not mentioned elsewhere.

Here’s a short sample sales letter...

“Claim Your Copy of This HOT Dating Niche PLR Package – Your Customers Will Love the eBook, and You’ll LOVE the Quick and Easy Profits it Generates!”

Dear Fellow Marketer,

If you’re like most marketers in the dating niche, then you have a constant need for content. You need products. You need articles and blog posts. You need autoresponder content.

It’s never ending.

And it’s also time consuming and expensive. If you do it all yourself, then you’ll quickly find you don’t have time left for anything else, like marketing your site. And if you outsource it all, you end up blowing a big gaping hole in your budget.

Fortunately, the solution is easy:

Simply buy the “Dating Secrets” Private Label Rights Package, and…

You’ll Get Instant Access to Over 100 Pages of Dating Content That You Can Sell, Giveaway, Modify and Use As You Please to Put Money in Your Pocket – You Can Even Put Your Name as the Author!

That’s right, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars or weeks of your life creating high-quality content. Just be one of 100 lucky people to claim your PLR license now, and you’ll get dating content that you can use starting today!

Here’s what you get when you order now…

A meaty 75 page “Dating Secrets” eBook. Click here to see the table of contents and to download an excerpt. I think you’ll agree that your customers will LOVE this high-quality product – and you’ll be proud to put your name on it!

A 10 page lead generating report. Give this exciting report away to your subscribers, put it on your blog, post it on your Facebook page. You’ll be amazed at how well it works to generate leads and turn browsers into your buyers!

A pack of 20 articles you can use to market your business. Post ‘em on your blog. Load ‘em up into your autoresponder. The choice is yours – and so are all the profits!

A persuasive sales letter you can use to sell the eBook! This means you can upload this sales letter immediately, start driving traffic to it, and make sales as quickly as TODAY!

This is a true business in a box. So, whether you’ve been kicking around the idea of entering the hot, in-demand dating niche, or you’re already well-established in the niche, this content will help you build your business faster.

Just look at all the ways you can profit by using
this private label rights dating content…

[Insert your bulleted list of what people can and cannot do with the content. For example, “YES! You can put your name as the author…”]

What’s This Content Worth?

If you hired a ghostwriter and copywriter to create this content for you, you’d be looking at a freelancing bill of over $1000! And if you did it yourself? You’d spend so much time working that you could kiss your social life goodbye.

That’s why you’ll recognize this as an insanely good deal: Order now and the entire package is just $97.

But there’s a catch – only 100 PLR licenses are available worldwide. That means you have virtually no competition. But it also means you need to act now so you don’t miss out…

Click here to claim your license.

And relax…

Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed

Download the eBook, report, 20 articles and sales letter right now risk free! If you’re unsatisfied for any reason whatsoever, just let me know within 30 days and I’ll give you back every penny. No quibbles, no questions, no hoops to jump through.

Fair enough? Then…

Order Now to Avoid Disappointment

Take out your credit card and click the order button below now to get started. But hurry, because just 100 PLR licenses are available worldwide, and they won’t last long at this price!

[Insert your order button]

[insert your name]

P.S. Go ahead, shop around – but I guarantee you won’t find a better dating PLR package at a better price. Just don’t look around too long, or you might come back and this offer will be gone!

Bottom line: Creating a sales letter is an important part of the sales process. All you have to do is point the highlights and advantages of your product. Use a bullet list of benefits, and don't worry about adding too much information. 

Just write the sales letter, leave it alone for a day or two, and then go back and edit it as needed. Read it out loud to see if it flows the way you intended. If not, edit the content, add new content, and get it posted online so your sales letter can start making you money.

How To Create... (In Just 12 Hours) The Kind Of Information Products You Can Make A Full-Time Living From! Work-At-Home Writer Shares His Proven Strategies For Creating Fast Info Products That Sell Consistently And Have Brought Him A Full-Time Income For Over Ten Years! Discover More Here...

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