Creating An Awesome Lead Magnet

You know you need to build an email list. A key part of building a list is the lead magnet. What will get the attention of your market? What are you going to offer in exchange for an email address?

You lead magnet can make the difference between getting the new subscriber and losing them forever.

What can happen is that you get started doing all of the things that you need to do to get started. You pay for an email service provider, you create a landing page so you can get new subscribers, and you write your welcome email and your follow up messages. 

A lot of times, the lead magnet is put off until last. If you are having difficulty coming up with an awesome lead magnet, or if what you're offering isn't getting results, there are steps you can take that can get you better results.

Now let’s take a closer look…

Creating The Lead Magnet

The first step is to decide what type of lead magnet you are going to offer. The good news is that you have several options so you can choose which type is easiest for you to offer. Here are some examples:

  • Audios
  • Email courses
  • Toolkits
  • Case studies
  • Checklists
  • Swipe files
  • Cheat sheets
  • Planners
  • Reports
  • Worksheets
  • Templates
  • Interviews
  • Resource guides
  • Memberships
  • Software and apps

All of these lead magnet ideas are digital, so once you upload them and provide a link, your new subscriber can get what you promised immediately. 

An easy way to get something you can use as a lead magnet is to search your hard drive. Over time, it's likely that you have some PLR or resell rights products that you can use as a lead magnet. Even though it is easy, don't do it.  

You don't want to take the chance that you're offering what other marketers are offering. If some of what you have is a few months old, chances are that it is out of date as well. If , your new subscriber will become an ex subscriber in record time. Don't insult your subscriber by giving them something with little or no value.

You want to put just as much care into creating a lead magnet as you do in creating your paid products. That’s because your lead magnet can make or break your list-building efforts.

Your lead magnet is your first contact with your subscriber. They are getting to know you, and if your lead magnet delivers value, they will be more likely to read your emails too.

Keys For An Effective Lead Magnet

Your lead magnet has to offer a benefit that your visitor wants or needs. To find out what your market is interested in...

Do your market research. A good way to do this is to go to, and Enter your niche keywords into the search boxes, and then take note of the bestselling products.

You can also look for customer feedback on sites in your niche. And forums and social media sites are great sources to see what people interested in your market are asking about and posting about.

Create a good title. Your product title needs to get attention and present a reason for visitors to keep reading. Ask a question, or promise a result. You want to make your lead magnet sound too good to pass up.

High Quality Lead Magnets

You're giving away a lead magnet so you can get a subscriber. That doesn't mean that you skimp on quality. You're making a first impression, and you are trying to grow a responsive list that will be around for a long time. 

Focus on teaching a single, specific result. When you provide clear information that gives your prospects immediate results if they take action, then you’re going to have satisfied people who are more likely to purchase your paid offers.

Solve one big problem. You want to solve a pressing problem with your lead magnet, Not 2 or 3, just one. What you're after is giving a solution to your subscriber that they can implement is a relatively short time. Fast results will lead to a happy new subscriber.

Use the format that fits. If the benefit of your lead magnet requires you to show how to do it, then either a video or a series of screen captures will be the way to go. If you can describe it or teach it with text, a PDF will work. And sometimes audio would be best. 

Don't spend too much time on this. Just decide and get the information formatted, created, and uploaded so you can start offering it as a lead magnet.

Use graphics. A text document may get the message across, but consider adding some graphics as well. A little color and contrast can make your document more visually appealing and more likely to get consumed and use.

Lead Magnets Lead To Sales

While the lead magnet should give your subscriber a benefit, you get the additional benefit of leading them to your products and offers. You don't want to make it into a big sales pitch. Just let them know that you have offers that can help them.

Create something people will reference often. For example, including a mind map, checklist, or resource list as part of your lead magnet helps ensure people will reference it often.

As noted above, reference a paid offer in the content. Even before you introduce a link, you can start raising anticipation early-on in the content.

For example, “In just a few minutes you’ll find out which tool makes it super-easy to run your social media campaigns. But first…”

Include a call to action at the end. You can offer a related product at the end of your lead magnet. To make it special, let them know that new subscribers are entitled to a limited time discount on one of your products or services. 

Include a link to the sales page so they can see the regular price. You want them to realize that you are offering them a real discount.

Then you can either include a link to a special sales page where they can get the discounted price, or you can include a coupon code that they can use. This is a good way to get sales almost immediately .

A good lead magnet can be the key to more subscribers and a growing and profitable email list. Try it out for yourself...

A wise man once said "If you build a responsive email list and treat that list with respect, and help your subscribers whenever you can, you'll never have to worry about making money online ever again. It's your golden ticket - the most valuable asset in your entire online business." Learn more here...

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