Get More Out Of Your Opt-in Form

The Opt-In Form

To build a list, you need to capture email addresses that you can add to that list. And the opt-in form is how you're going to get the job done. Once you decide to build a list and write a welcome sequence, the next step is...

Create an opt-in form on your site. Simple but so very important. You need a way to get the information you need to add someone to your list, and you need to make it as simple as possible for visitors to become subscribers. 

One of the first things you need to do is decide on how you are going to manage your email list. You could purchase the software and install it on your hosting account and manage everything yourself.

This is not a preferred option, because you will be responsible for setting it up and managing any problems that come up.

An easier way is to get an account with a reputable third-party email service provider (ESP) such as,, or a similar service.

With, you can sign up for free, and it stays free until you reach 500 subscribers. So you can get started without paying anything. The idea is to get your email service provider selected and get an account.

Once you’ve secured an account, you will have access to all of the features that are included. The important feature that we are looking at in this article is the opt-in form. 

Most of the top email service providers give you options and training on how you can get your opt-in form created and set up so you can start getting subscribers. Let's look at 5 options that you have when it comes to an opt-in form...

1. Opt-In Popup

This is the subscription form or box that appears on top of the page content when someone visits your site. You can decide when the popup appears...

  • When the visitor first arrives on the page.
  • When the visitor is trying to exit the page.
  • It can appear after a period of time that you decide on (after 30 seconds).

One thing to consider is that using a popup can irritate some of your visitors. They have to close the popup form and continues reading, or they can hit the back button and leave your site, or they can subscribe. 

If you use this option, test it against the other options that follow and see where you get the best results. Just saying...

2. In-Content Form

This is an opt-in form that you insert in your article or blog post. As your visitor reads your content, they will come across the opt-in form, and the best outcome is that they will read the offer and decide to subscribe. 

This type of form is less intrusive, and if they aren't interested, the only thing they have to do is ignore the form and keep reading the content.

3. Header or Footer Opt-in Form

Similar to an in-content form, you can add the opt-in form to your header or footer. When you put it in the header, it will be visible to every visitor. They can decide to subscribe, or they can continue down the page and read your content.

The footer is also a good place to put an opt-in form. Once someone reads your blog post and get to the end, they will see the form. If they enjoyed the article, they may be more likely to subscribe.

4. Side Bar Opt-in Form

If you're using a WordPress blog or a site that has a sidebar, you can add an opt-in form. The sidebar is another good place give your visitors the opportunity to subscribe to your email list. 

Many of the email service providers have a plugin that you can add to your WordPress site to easily add an opt-in form. If not, get the code and add it yourself.

5. Landing Page Opt-in Form

The landing page is a page where the only purpose is to get someone to subscribe. The landing page is where you offer an incentive to get the subscriber, along with what benefits they are going to get by becoming a subscriber.

You get more room and opportunity to sell your visitor on why they should opt-in to your list and start reading your emails.

Another benefit you get with the most popular email service providers such as Aweber is access to landing page templates. You can log in to your account, choose a design you like, and edit it to make it the way you want it. 

And they will host the landing page for you if you want them to. You will be provided a link, so you can add the link to your site and anywhere you're allowed to post a link and get visitors to the page and build your list.

How Do You Choose?

There is no right or wrong way here. Ideally, you want to make it as easy as possible for your opt-in form to be seen. It is a good idea to have one on every page of your site. 

The only way to find out which opt-in forms are getting the best results is to track your results.

You can even have more than one opt-in form on a page. Don't get carried away, but try it and see how it works. For example, you could have a small opt-in form in the sidebar of your site, and you could also have an in-content form.

Or you could have an opt-in form in the header and the footer. Again, you won't know unless you try it.

A tip here is that you can just get the basic opt-in code that asks for the name and email address along with a subscribe button. Why stop there?

You will usually have access to opt-in forms available in your ESP dashboard where you can select graphics and colors that will make your opt-in form stand out and attract attention.

Take the time to come up with an attention grabbing headline that offers a big promise or benefit. And let them know why they should subscribe, and offer them an incentive in the form of a download of a free report or video.

You're actually creating a sale pitch for your email list. Sell them on why they should subscribe to you list. Just about every site out there offers a way to subscribe to a list.

Do you think that anyone needs another list to add emails to their inbox? Not really.

The only reason that anyone subscribes is because they expect it to benefit them in some way. I do it, you do it, your visitors do it.

And most of the time, we leave the site and never consider signing up for another list. Your visitor is no different.

As I mentioned in my post on creating lead magnets, what you offer as an incentive to get subscriber onto your list has to be awesome. This is your one and only chance to show them the quality of what you have to offer.

Done right, your new subscriber will be willing to open and read your email messages. And if you continue to add offers and information that they are interested in, and if you add value, they will continue to open and read your emails.

So after offering an awesome lead magnet, tell them the benefits of subscribing. Why is it worth their time to invite you into their inbox? List out all of the ways that they will benefit, and why they should take you up on your offer.

The last thing I'll mention here is that you want let them know about your privacy policy. No one want their name and email spread all over the internet.

Make sure to assure them that you will keep their information safe, and that you won't share their details with anyone else. If they don't feel safe, then no matter how attractive your offer seems, they will not subscribe.

I hope these tips and ideas will help you as you get started on the list building journey. To your list building success!

A wise man once said "If you build a responsive email list and treat that list with respect, and help your subscribers whenever you can, you'll never have to worry about making money online ever again. It's your golden ticket - the most valuable asset in your entire online business." Learn more here...

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