More Traffic With Guest Blog Posts

How to Create Guest Blog Posts That Other People Want to Publish

One really good way to drive traffic to your site and landing pages is by submitting guest blog posts to  highly related websites.  It's a good way to get your content and expertise in front of a new audience, and using your bio to link to your opt-in page or sales pages.

Now the whole key to this strategy depends on creating a blog post that people really want to read. If you can’t get your audience’s attention and keep it, then they’re never going to even read down far enough to see your links and calls to action.

So, with that in mind, check out these tips for creating guest blog posts that other blog owners would be happy to feature on their site...

Do The Research

When you’re using guest blogging to drive traffic to your website, there are three types of research you need to complete. Specifically:

Research the prospective guest-blogging opportunity. Make sure you’re publishing on a popular, high-quality blog. If it gets a lot of traffic and the traffic is engaged (e.g., they comment on the content, share it on social media, etc.), then that’s the type of blog that will give your content a good amount of exposure.
Research the blog to see what the owner publishes. Take some time to browse the archives to see what type of content the owner seems to like. See if there is any information available on submission guidelines so you can deliver what they are looking for.
Look through the comments to see what readers of the blog like. And pay attention to what they don't like as well. After scanning the comments of a few articles, you will be able to come up with a feel for what will work for this blog audience.

Here’s the next tip…

Look For A Fresh Angle

Ebook Cover

Chances are, you’re sharing information about a topic that others have covered before, right? So, what you need to do is offer this information in a fresh, unique way.

Most writers offer “step-by-step” information. You can do something similar, except create a formula around the step-by-step process.  For example, if you’re teaching people how to write a sales letter, you might create a five-step formula around the acronym S.A.L.E.S., where each letter of the acronym corresponds to a step. E.G., Step 1, SHOWCASE Benefits, Step 2, AGITATE the Problem… and so on.

Attention Grabbing Title

Your article title is one of the most important parts of your article. If the title doesn’t capture attention and arouse interest, then no one is even going to read the rest of your article. That’s why you need to create an intriguing benefit-driven title.

For example: “5 Weight Loss Tips” is a descriptive, but boring title.

Let’s rewrite it to showcase a benefit: “5 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Drop the Fat Fast.”

The key here is to figure out what your audience wants and how that overlaps with what your article is about, and then highlight that benefit in the title.

Whenever possible, use powerful words such as: surprising, you, new, amazing, fast, easy, quick, simple, how to, proven, secret, revealed, discover, guaranteed (and similar words).

Simple Bold Graphics

If the blog you hope to publish on includes graphics in articles, then you’ll want to add value by inserting graphics too. Be sure to choose simple, relevant graphics with bold, eye-catching colors.

For example, you might include a picture of a dog in a dog-training article. A cute puppy with a brightly colored ball on a white background is going to be more effective than a picture of multiple dogs on a busy background (as it takes the viewer a few seconds to decipher what all is going on in the picture).

TIP: Be sure to include a benefit-driven caption alongside the graphics, which will help pull skimmers back into your content.


Create Engaging Content

The last step is to make sure you create content that keeps your reader hooked and reading right to the very end (so that they see your links and call to action).  Check out these tips:

Employ a Conversational Tone

No one wants to read a dry, textbook style content. Instead, use a light, friendly, conversational tone. If there are terms that are routinely used in this market, employ them where appropriate.

Notice how I don’t use college-level words, when “everyday” words will do. If your readers need to haul out a dictionary to understand what you’re saying, then you’re going to lose your audience.

Engage Readers

People are going to be more willing to keep reading if you engage them emotionally in some way. For example:

  • Tell a story about someone’s niche mistake or how they overcame a problem. This arouses interest and builds rapport, and perhaps even motivates/inspires readers.
  • Share a really unique tip, fact, case study, example or other piece of information. If you make the reader say “wow,” you can bet they’ll keep reading.
  • Arouse curiosity. For example, you may build anticipation in the article introduction to hook readers and keep them reading. E.G., “In just moments you’ll discover a crazy-simple way to create your next infoproduct – it won’t cost you a cent, and you won’t have to create it yourself either! Curious? Read on…”


Plenty of White Space

Use short paragraphs and sentences (rather than a wall of text). Again, look at this post as an example of content that’s easy to consume since it’s formatted for easy readability.


The key to making the most of your guest blogging opportunities is to create engaging, high-quality content. If your readers like what they see in the blog article, then you can be sure they’re going to click on over to your site.

And if the blog owner likes what you presented, there may be more opportunities to publish more content in the future.

Once you get an article published, you can use that as a reference for the next blog that you approach for a guest blog post opportunity.

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