Quick Tips To Transform Your PLR Products

Get More Out Of PLR Products

Private label rights offers are really hot right now. Just about every week a new offer for PLR products comes out at a really low price.

If you’re someone who is buying a lot of these offers with the idea that you are going to set up the sales process and sell them, how is it going?

Are you going to use the sales page and download page that came with the PLR package? Are you going to use the graphics and sell the product without making any changes?
What are you going to charge for the product? Read the license to see what you can charge. Sometimes there is a minimum price that you have to sell it for.
If you are going to use it as an opt-in incentive, is that allowed? Check the license to see if you can do that.

If you are going to sell the product without changes, depending on how many other marketers bought the PLR package and have the same idea, you are going to have competition.

You have to come up with a reason for visitors to your site to choose you over the competition. Maybe you’ll have to lower your price, or add bonuses.

The Potential Problem

The problem with using PLR without changing it is that you open yourself up to a lot of competition. They lower their price, you lower your price, and before you know it, you’re practically giving it away.

Not a good way to build a profitable business.

So what’s a better way?

Taking the private label rights package and making your own. Change it in a way that makes it unique and unlike anything your competition is selling.

In Zero  To Hero, my course on how to get the most out of PLR content and build a profitable business, it’s laid out in a step by step formula.

You don’t need the course to get better results out of YOUR PLR package. But it will make it lot easier!

Rewrite and add to the content.

The first example is about ebooks. You usually get the text document of the ebook as well as the finished PDF. This includes the text as well as the cover and graphics that are used in the document.

You can and should rename the product, and change any graphics that include the old title. You can also create all new graphics to replace the ones that came with the package.

Read through the document to see if there are any errors that need to be addressed. Take note of any topic or chapter where there are ideas that are missing that you want to include to make it more valuable and useful.

Getting Content Ideas

Go to Amazon.com and search for ebooks related to what you’re selling. Look at the table of contents and read the customer reviews to get ideas for things that you could add to your own product to make it better.

With your list in front of you, go to Google and do a search on each of the topic ideas that you came up with. Take notes and bookmark the sites that have the content you need to make your product better. Just remember to NEVER copy and paste content that you don’t have the rights to.

Editing The Document

There are different ways to approach this, so I will explain how I do it for my own projects…

If there are gaps in the product that I want to include, I decide if I want to weave the content into the existing content, or if what I want to write is an additional piece of content.

If it is a content piece that I can add to the document, I can write it up in a Word document and then add it to the finished document.

I do this for every topic I want to cover, and sit down with my notes and bookmarked sites, open my text editor, and get started writing.

After I get all of the content pieces written and ready to go, I open the PLR product and insert the content where it fits in.

A quick note about chapters headings…

If your text document has chapter headings, take a look at them and make sure they make sense. And decide if they are in the order that makes the most sense for the end user.
If you are adding a lot of additional content, you may end up adding chapters and chapter headings to the document. A great way to do this is to map it out on paper or with mind map software so that you have a visual representation to go by.

A way to make your document really stands out is to add graphics to the pages of your text document. They can be decorative or relate to the content on the page. Don’t overdo it, but think about ways you can make your work more attractive.

If You Don’t Do It Yourself


Creating and/or editing the graphics that came with the PLR may be beyond what you’re willing or capable of doing. It wouldn’t make much sense to spend several hours learning how to create new graphics, because you’re in business, and time is money.

It may make sense to pay someone to do it for you. There are a few options available where you can hire someone to create the graphics for you. Shop around, look for customer feedback, and decide what your budget is.

You can also get someone to edit the document for you as well.

Ask family members, friends, and co-workers if they know anyone who is good at graphics and/or writing. You could find the perfect person right in your own area.

Editing The Video

If your PLR product consists of videos, you have a bit more work to do. You can pay someone to do the editing for you. Or you can do it yourself.

Editing the video requires you to have the software and the knowledge to do the changes that you have in mind.

If your PLR product came with video transcripts, you could print them off and do the audio with you or someone else speaking. This way you can use your voice and you can edit the transcript as long as it works with the video footage that you have.

If there is NOT a transcript, you can still do what I described above. You will have to transcribe the video yourself, or pay someone or a service to do it for you.

If there’s a music track, you can add a different one or remove it.

You can add your own intro and outro to each video to make it unique to you and your business.

Altering The Video Course Content

If you decide to add to or remove some of the video, you will probably have to redo the voice track so that it is consistent through all of the video.

Just like the text document, you can add to the video content. If there are several videos that each cover a topic, you can record more videos to add to the collection.

If you have decided to use the videos without editing them, these new videos are going to stand out for your customers. They will notice that there are 2 voices and 2 styles of video. Make sure to point this out ahead of time to reduce customer support issues.

PLR Emails And Articles

If your PLR product came with a series of email messages and articles that you can use on your blog, this is an opportunity to edit them so that they are unique to you.

It isn’t necessary, but it isn’t really that difficult either. You are saying the same thing in the each content piece, just in a different way.

Again, the advantage is that if someone visits your site or subscribes to your list, you want to make sure that they are interested and hang around your site and read your message.

They won’t do that if your content is the same content that they have already seen. A little time spent editing will pay off in the long run.

Sales And Download Pages

If your PLR package came with a sales page and a download page, or any other type of site asset, you have a head start on getting sales.

All you have to do is insert your name and your order buttons, decide on a price, link it to your payment processor, and you’re ready to go.

Just like the PLR product, you have to be aware that if you have the web site pages, a lot of other people do too. Take some time to alter the sales page and add to or change the existing graphics.

This is just an overview of ways you can make your PLR package unique. Doing the work will benefit you because you will end up with a product that no one else has. A product that you can sell and keep all the money. A product that will retain its value because you won’t have to lower your price to compete.

If you want to learn how to take PLR products and build a profitable info publishing business, check out Zero To Hero. Go from zero content, zero ideas to being the hero of your family and friends by creating your own in-demand profitable info product ready to take orders in the next month!
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