The Basic Steps For An Awesome Sales Page

Sales page basics are the things that just about every page needs - an awesome headline, who you are, what you have, why they need it, how to get it, and the gaurantee. These are guidelines that I use every time I create a new sales  page, or edit a sales page that I have access to. For your consideration...

Sales Page Essentials

1. Headline

When it comes to writing sales page copy, most people will leave it until the end, as an afterthought. This is not the way to go about it. You can have the greatest product in the world accompanied with the most attention grabbing sales copy...

But if your headline doesn't get noticed, you won’t sell much, if anything at all. However, if you have an amazing headline that stops them in their tracks, and gets them to read it, your headline has done what it's there for - get your visitors to pay attention.

The main function of your headline is to hook your target audience, get them to stop what they are doing, and get them to the next step in your sales copy.

Some Headline Examples:

Question Headlines: This is one type of sales page headlines that can spark curiosity among your prospects. Here are some simple question based examples for using curiosity to grab your ideal prospect’s attention. 

  • What If You Could (Desire) Without (Pain)?
  • Worried About (Pain)?
  • Isn’t It Time You Stopped Struggling With (Pain)?
  • Sick And Tired Of Not Having Any (Desire)?
  • Are You Getting Enough (Desire)?
  • Do You Want To Be A Successful (Target Audience)?
  • Isn’t It Time You Got The (Desire) You Really Want?

Here are also some examples of sales page headlines you can use for different traffic sources: Cold, Warm and Hot Traffic.

1. Cold Traffic

Cold traffic is referring to the audience who have never heard about you before.Examples of headline scripts:

  • Don’t Let (Pain) Stop You!
  • How (Target Audience) Can STOP (Pain)
  • When (Target Audience) Has (Main Topic) Problems, Here’s What They Do

2. Warm Traffic

Warm traffic refers to people who already know about you, your brand, products or services.

Examples of headline scripts:

  • See How Easily You Can (Big Result) Without (Pain)!
  • For (Target Audience) Who Want To (Big Result) But Can’t Get Started18
  • The Secret To Automatically (Big Result) Without (Pain)!

3. Hot Traffic

Hot traffic refers to people who already know about you, your brand, products or services, and have already bought your offers previously. They may also be in your mailing list.

Example of headline scripts:

  • Finally! Discover How (Product/Service Name) Gives You The Secret To (Big Result)…Without (Pain)…Today!
  • (Product/Service Name) Is The Secret To Automatically (Big Result)!...Guaranteed!
  • Watch This Free Video To Learn How (Product/Service Name) Gives You An Unfair Advantage With (Main Topic)…Guaranteed!

“Who, What, Why, How” Script

This script is simple and easy to remember, which you can use all the time in your funnels or sales pages. This script answers four basic questions and then moves into the Call To Action (CTA):

Question #1: Who are you?

This script is usually used at the front-end with cold traffic.

Example: Hi I’m (your name), and I’m the founder of (your company/product)

Question #2: What do you have? Here is where you will quickly hook them and introduce your offer.

Example: In the past few years, over (number of people) entrepreneurs have ditched their websites for a funnel, and I want to give you a free 30 day trial to (your product) today so you can create your funnel for FREE!

Question #3: Why do they need it?

This is where you help them understand why they need to grab your offer. Here is an evergreen copywriting formula that you may use inside this question, which is PAS (with examples of the script):

Problem: I know your website is not generating the number of leads you want, and it’s not really making any sales either.

Agitate: Most people spend thousands of dollars to get a website that ends up being nothing more than a glorified brochure that actually doesn’t do anything.

Solve: That’s why I want to give you your 30 days trial to (your product) so you can build a funnel that will generate leads to your business and actually sell your products…and you want have to spend thousands of dollars. In fact, I’ll let you try it out for FREE so you can get your funnel generating leads for you before you pay your first penny!

Question #4: How Can They Get It?

This is where you tell them exactly what they need to do to get access to the offer you just made to them.

Example: Just click on the link below, or go to (your link) to start your free trial today!

The Catch: Tell them why you are presenting this offer for such a great deal. People will always think that there is a catch. So, let them know upfront what the catch is, if there is one, or none.

Example: You may be wondering why I would give you a free trial. The reason is because I know that after your first funnel is live and already generating leads for you at a fraction of the cost you’ve ever experienced before, you’re never going to want to leave, and I’ll have you as a customer for life.

Urgency and scarcity: What are the real elements of urgency and scarcity that you can weave into this offer?

Example: This week we are going to be giving anyone who gets a trial, 10 of our favorite lead generation templates. These templates are proven to convert visitors into leads, and you’ll get them for free if you sign up before Friday at 10pm. After that, you can still get your free account, but you won’t get your free funnel templates.

Guarantee: Reverse any risk in ordering the product.

Example: Here's the deal. Join my program today and you have a full 60 days to give this a go.

If this doesn't pan out for you - and you've proven to me you've done every step in my program - let us know and we will buy your access back from you. The risk is on me, and you have got nothing to lose. All you need to do is give yourself a chance. Sounds fair?

So, don’t forget, go to (your website link) or click on the link below to get your free 14-day free trial to (your product). And if you create your account before Friday at 10pm, you will also get 10 lead funnel templates for FREE!

While this is NOT a sales letter template, and I am not the one to teach you how to write the perfect sales letter, these are important components of an effective sales letter. If you have anything to add, let me know in the comments below.


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