The Value Of Outsourcing

Anyone Who Doesn’t Outsource Doesn’t Recognize the Value of Outsourcing

One of the fastest ways to grow your business is to clone yourself. Since that’s not possible yet, the alternative option is to hire freelancers to do some of your work.

Indeed, I’ve come to believe that anyone who’s not outsourcing is simply missing the boat.

Here’s why…

Your time is better spent focusing on other tasks.

Most of the tasks you’d ever consider outsourcing are “low value” tasks. That means you get a very low return on your investment of time. And in most cases, it makes better financial sense to outsource the low-value tasks so that you can focus on the high-value tasks.

Let me give you an example…


I can hire a freelancer to setup a blog for me for $20 – or I can spend an hour doing it myself. Because my time is much more valuable to me than a mere $20 per hour, the choice is clear – outsource!

Then my time is free to do things like build relationships with my joint venture partners, brainstorm new product ideas or work on my business plan (all of which are high-value tasks and/or they can’t easily be outsourced).

Let me elaborate on that point…

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The investment is returned many times over.

You have a million and one little tasks to do in your business, from creating products to designing your site to marketing your sites. If, as mentioned above, you focus on the high-value tasks and outsource the rest, you’ll see your investment returned many times over.

Let’s continue with the above example.

Consider this…

Example #1:

If I pay a guy $20 to set up my blog and then use that hour to write a small report that I sell over and over again for $20 – potentially making tens of thousands of dollars – which was the better use of my time? The clear answer is to use my expertise to write the report.

Here’s another example…

Example #2

Let's say you pay a ghostwriter $500 to create a really good 25 page manual. If you sell it for just $27, then you only need just 19 sales for it to pay for itself. From the 20th sale on is pure profit – and get to profit for the life of the product.

You can even repackage and reformat the content (as mentioned in Lesson #6) to keep profiting for years to come! For example, if you sell just five $100 licenses, you get your money back almost instantly. And you still own rights to the product so you can profit from it as long as you’re still breathing. It's a no-brainer.

Let me give you another example…

Example #3:

Let’s say you outsource some of your advertising – maybe someone is going to set up and manage a pay per click campaign for you. If this outsourced traffic generation tactic costs you $1 per visitor and you make $1.25 per visitor, then you’re making a profit.

Even if you spend $10,000, you’ll bring in $12,500. That means you’ll pocket $2500 for every 10,000 visitors they send you – and that’s just on the front end. These customers get added to your customer list, so you can send backend offers to make hundreds more per customer!

Again, it’s a no brainer.

Outsourcing removes barriers.

If you ask the average Internet marketer (who is failing, by the way) what is keeping them from success, they'll usually know immediately what stands in their way. They might be technophobes… or they hate to write… or they can’t stand dealing with pre-sale questions.

When you outsource, all these barriers fall to the side of the road – that’s because all you have to do is outsource whatever is holding you back.

  • Don't know how to setup a list? Outsource it.
  • Can't figure out script installations? Outsource it.
  • Don't know how to write SEO articles that really work? Outsource it.
  • Don’t know how to land good affiliates? Outsource it.
  • Can’t design a website to save your life? Outsource it.

You don’t have to let lack of knowledge, tedious tasks or even fear stand in your way any longer – just outsource the tasks that you don’t want to do!

In these cases, it just makes sense to hand the job over to a professional who can do it faster and better than you.

It's an investment.

Those who are most reluctant to outsource think of it as an expense. It’s not – it’s an investment. And if you outsource your low-value tasks, you’ll make your money back many times over.

Plus think of this…

If you opened a brick and mortar store you'd have a minimum of the following expenses:

  • Property lease or rent.
  • Utilities with deposits.
  • Office supplies and other materials.
  • Inventory.
  • Marketing literature such as signage and business cards, advertising, etc.
  • Insurance.

These expenses would easily cost thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars. And yet you'd risk if.

So why not spend a few hundred bucks and invest in your Internet business? Outsourcing makes sense if you can use your time on valuable tasks that bring in the money. 

You only have so much time, so don't waste it on doing the day to day tasks that are necessary but don't add to your income. Start slow, and see if it can work as well for you as it does for me.

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