Why And How To Use Digital Information Products

Learn How To Create and Sell  
Digital Information Products

Having your own digital products gives you the ability to generate a 6-figure online business from the comfort of your own home. Your digital information products will sell for you online 24/7, 365 days a year on autopilot, when set up correctly. Bringing in passive income for years to come.

Isn’t that the dream? Passive income?

Look let’s be honest - this is not going to happen by doing nothing. You will have to take action on this guide and implement what you learn, only then can you live the laptop lifestyle.

Selling digital information products are not only cheap to produce, they are also very easy to produce. Once you have done it once, you can literally rinse and repeat the same process. So, it’s definitely a skill worth learning.

Also, digital information products are great because you don't ever run out. Once you create the product, it can be sold over and over again. Unlike physical products, you never run out of inventory. This provides you with massive advantages.

Typing On Laptop

Selling information products online is a way to start your own business with very little to NO cost. No investment in inventory, unless you decide to pay someone to create your information products.

Also, Information products are very flexible.

You can sell them at a profit, give them away as an incentive to get people to sign up for your list, sell them at a low price to showcase your skills and then offer higher priced products...There’s a whole world of ways to use digital information products to build an online business.

What Are Digital Information Products?

Any product that gives people information, usually a solution to some sort of problem. Or to learn how to do something. The possibilities are almost limitless.

For instance a product could tell people how to train a dog, lose weight, design a website, cure bad breath, meet members of the opposite sex, put up shelves, apply makeup, or paint a portrait using oil paintings.

An information product can be made in video form, as an ebook, or as an audio recording. Some types of information products lend themselves better to one form than another.

Using Tablet

For instance if you're telling people how to apply makeup you definitely need visuals, so a video would be best. An audio recording wouldn’t do the trick in this case and an ebook would need to have a lot of screenshots.

And if you want to tell someone how to train a dog, an ebook with screen shots, or a video, would work equally well.

Find your subject, then decide on the best way to present it – ebook, audio, video etc.

It's Easier Than You Think…

Most people who are new to the Internet, or even some who have been around for a while, believe that they can't create their own ebooks (or CD’s, videos, etc.) because they can't write.

There are also a lot of 'so-called' gurus who will have you believe that it's more difficult than it actually is.

What I'd like to show you is that you CAN create your own ebooks and other products. And you can do it fast!

Even if you've never written a word in your life! (If you’re new to the field, your main challenge may be getting recognized as an expert. But creating your own products will be easy once you learn the shortcuts and tips here!)


You see, it’s all about 'perspective.' The first time you see someone riding a bicycle, you immediately say “That’s not possible” or “I can’t do that.” And, maybe you’re right to some extent. You can’t ride a bicycle yet. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t ride a bicycle ever.

You just have to get on it, stumble a few times and before you know it, you’re balancing a metal frame on two wheels! Something that seemed impossible just a few days ago.

It’s the same with writing an ebook. In fact, it’s much easier than learning how to ride a bicycle.

Make It Even Easier

The trick really is to just get started. Just start writing and let you thoughts flow. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar or sentence structure or formatting or any of that. Just get the information out of you. You can edit it later. If you edit while you write, you interrupt the flow of ideas.

You can also use a tape recorder and just talk freely into it. Imagine you’re talking to a friend and you’re giving her advice about X (where “X” is the subject you want to write about.) When you’re done, you can type it all out into your computer, or get someone to transcribe it.

What people should realize is that you don’t need to be an English major to write an ebook. Just write the way you talk to a friend. Then, have someone read it out loud and see if either of you can find any areas that sounds choppy or confusing.


Another valuable asset that you have access to is private label rights products. These are products such as ebooks, video courses, checklists, cheat sheets, and more that are complete and ready for you to sell.

Private label rights are great because most of them come with the right to use them in any way you choose. You put your name on it, you can edit it, you can change the graphics, and you can sell it and keep all of the profits.

Learn how to use private label rights products to create a profitable online business here...

If it still seems like a daunting task to write the book, just break the ebook up into sections or chapters, and knock them out one at a time… kinda like writing short reports. (Break the task up into smaller pieces and tackle it that way.)

Once you have the content, you can turn that into different digital formats like audio’s, video’s and written text.

YOU can do this!

Change your mindset, and say to yourself, I can do this!

Ever heard of this quote:



It all comes down to you. The point here is, what’s the WORST thing that could happen if you wrote a book and it wasn’t absolutely perfect?

It’s an eye-opening experience to look at some of the e-books that are selling…right now…on the Internet. All you have to do is find one that, after you read it, you say, “MAN! Even I could do better than that!” But that book’s selling and yours isn’t because you’re waiting to get it perfect! Don’t get it perfect…get it out there!

Start saying to yourself, in your head…unless you want people to think you’re really crazy…I CAN write a book! I KNOW I can!

Know that your brain is already writing books for you each day. All you have to do is figure out how to get it down on paper…and that’s what this book is all about!

Get over that perfectionist stuff. It ain’t never gonna be perfect…just like that grammar, but it gets the point across, doesn’t it? Get your book as good as you can at the time, get it out there, see what happens and then test and tweak it until it sells. It’s NEVER going to be completely perfect, but it can be profitable!

Go from zero content, zero ideas to being the hero of your family and friends by creating your own in-demand profitable info product ready to take orders in the next month! How is that even possible? Let Me Show You...

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