Why Traffic Is Such A Valuable Resource

Traffic is Your Most Valuable Resource

If you are going to have success with an online business – whether you run a blog, a website, or an e-commerce store – then you need to recognize the crucial, inherent value of traffic.

It is no exaggeration to say that traffic is any online business’ most valuable resource and is what will ultimately make or break its long term success.

If you make money from ad revenue, that means that advertisers are paying you to show their adverts to your visitors. You will only be able to strike up the very best sponsorship deals and banner ad deals if you can demonstrate that you have a large number of regular visitors coming to your site.

Alternatively, should you use a service like Google AdSense, you will get paid per click or per impression. That means you’ll earn a few cents for every person that clicks on / views your adverts. That means you’re going to need a LOT of your visitors to your site in order for that to have a cumulative effect and begin earning serious money!

Maybe you sell a product or a service? Again: the number of visitors you get to your website will directly correlate with the number of eyes on your offering. The more people come to your site – the more traffic you have – the more you will stand to earn. Of course, you still need to convince people to buy your product. You still need a good product to sell in the first place…

But if you don’t have people coming to your site in order to learn about your product, then none of that even matters!

As Arnold Schwarzenegger once said: you could be giving away free gold, but if nobody knows you’re giving it away… you still won’t get any takers! (I’m paraphrasing.)

And of course this applies to affiliate marketing too: if you have an affiliate product that you need to sell, you first need to build/find an audience to sell it to.

(Even if you sell something else – like a Software as a Service model – then you’re going to need traffic in order for people to discover and sign up to your services!)

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For all these reasons, traffic should be the number one priority for most online businesses. This should be the main point on most meeting agendas. This should be the single metric you pay most attention to.

And yet that is seldom the case. Too often, we focus on everything but the traffic. We focus on trying to reduce overheads or to sell more profitable products. Maybe we worry about our website design/the content we are writing.

Or maybe we allow our content to be dictated by a few business partners that – of course – only have their own best interests at heart.

The danger in all these cases, is that you might end up missing the forest for the trees. Focusing too much on other factors that end up steering you in the wrong direction. The result is that your traffic either stagnates or starts to shrink. And as we’ve already established that traffic is the primary source of income for nearly EVERY online business. So what happens? All those other metrics start to shrink as well.

A Shift in Your Approach to Traffic

This article is a wake-up call to remind you of the crucial importance of traffic, and how to realign your strategies and goals in accordance with that. More importantly, what you need is a blueprint to help you gain that much more traffic.

That means writing articles that are designed to bring in more traffic. This means articles that you post on your blog, submit to article directories, social media posts, and guest posts. All using best practices when it comes to keyword selection and targeting, so you can get clicks and traffic to your site and offers. 

It means posting links in places that you know will drive more traffic. It means designing an ad campaign that maximizes the amount and QUALITY of traffic coming to your page (for the smallest amount).

The above methods are free to use, but the downside is that it can take a lot of time and effort to get the traffic started and then growing it to a level where you’ll start making profits in your business.


To get traffic quicker, you can use paid advertising. While it does cost you money, you can get traffic to where you want it to go almost immediately. And the only limit is the source of your paid ads and how much money you want to spend.

A mixture of paid ads and free traffic methods can be the key to the traffic you need so you can get more subscribers, sell more products, and grow your online presence.

There are a lot of free resources that you can tap into that you can use to learn what you need to know about getting traffic. Youtube is a great resource for video information.

There are a lot of bloggers with a lot of experience and knowledge that they are willing to share, so take advantage of their free content.

And you can find a lot of traffic courses and software as well. I would recommend that you take your time when it comes to spending a lot of money on courses and services that promise limitless traffic.

Traffic is very important to your success, so take the time to learn about it, and if you are going to go with paid ads, learn as much as you can before you spend any money, and then start slow and see how it goes.

I’m going to be covering traffic ideas in the near future, so stay tuned, and good luck!

Go from zero content, zero ideas to being the hero of your family and friends by creating your own in-demand profitable info product ready to take orders in the next month! How is that even possible? Read on…

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